2004年2月21日 星期六



  • 完成州政府核準的教師預備課程。
  • 擁有他州有效教師執照。此執照必需要有類似的要求條件。
  • 其他途徑。

  • 馬利蘭大學教師執照 University of Maryland, University College
  • 聯絡方式:Dr. Gail Viamonte
    (301) 985-7360
  • 約翰霍普金斯大學
    Teacher Certification
    To be recommended for teacher certification, students must complete the MAT program and pass all Praxis I and II exams required by the state.

    Note: Praxis II requirements vary by program option. Teacher candidates may pursue certification in one of three areas of concentration:

    1. Elementary Education (grades 1-6 and middle)
    2. Secondary Education (grades 7 – 12) Content areas for secondary education certification include English, foreign languages (French and Spanish), mathematics, social studies, sciences (biology, chemistry, earth science, physical science, and physics)
    3. English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), grades pre-K through 12

    Reciprocal Certification
    All of the programs in teacher education at JHU are fully accredited and lead to teacher certification in the State of Maryland, which is reciprocal in most other states.


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